8g CHOOSE THE APT WORDS-1 Welcome to your 8g CHOOSE THE APT WORDS-1 Name Enter your school name 1. Give up completely. absorb abandon accept None 2. Abundant; plentiful. abnormal absurd abound None 3. Side by side. abroad perhaps abreast None 4. Complete. abstract absolute absurd None 5. Existing in thought. abstract accurate adjacent None 6. Plentiful. abundant adamant tranquil None 7. Reachable. affluent amateur accessible None 8. To speak to. abdicate acclaim accost None 9. Correct in all details. accessible accurate amiable None 10. To make familiar by use. accuse accustom achieve None 11. To make familiar or conversant. acquire acquaint adhere None 12. Free from a criminal charge. adjourn advance acquit None 13. Refusing to change one's mind. adamant amicable ancient None 14. Sufficient. antique adequate anxious None 15. Near or next to each other. auxiliary actual adjacent None 16. Put off or postpone. adjourn acquit alleviate None 17. Opponent in a contest. adversary abdomen spinster None 18. Easy to approach. ancient appropriate affable None 19. Wealthy; rich. authentic staunch affluent None 20. Cheerful willingness. academy alacrity accent None 21. To make something less severe. alleviate ambush amplify None 22. Engaged in without payment. adversity alphabet amateur None 23. To walk about ambulate amplify announce None 24. Pleasant and friendly. arrogant amicable ample None 25. Loss of memory. accident amnesia account None 26. Living both on land and in water. amphibious agitated astounding None 27. Cut a portion of the body. appeal appear amputate None 28. To make out of date. append antiquate appoint None 29. A place where bees are kept. apiary account accuracy None 30. Easily understood. apparent splendid abiding None 31. A natural ability. addiction adjective aptitude None 32. One who attacks. assailant adjutant spectator None 33. Fearless. aesthetical affordable audacious None 34. Loud enough to be heard. austere audible authentic None 35. Containing gold. attentive articulate auriferous None 36. Severely simple. angelic austere adolescent None 37. A broad road in a town or city. avenue strategy adversary None 38. Very cruel. barbaric beautiful brilliant None 39. Totally bewilder or perplex. befriend believe baffle None 40. Good and kind of heart. brief benign blissful None 41. Divide into two branches. bifurcate believe bombard None 42. A stupid or careless mistake. sanction blunder tributary None 43. Noisy, energetic and cheerful. balanced blissful boisterous None 44. A large rock. provision premises boulder None 45. One who lives by robbery. balcony brigand bandage None 46. To mention for the first time. conserve broach bombard None 47. Illegal entry of a building for theft. burglary clemency diffidence None 48. Persuade by flattering. dissolve campaign cajole None 49. Straightforward. candid cardinal causative None 50. Pertaining to the heart. cardiac causative circular None Time's up