8g TICK THE RIGHT WORD-1 Welcome to your 8g TICK THE RIGHT WORD-1 Name Enter your school name 1. A place of study or training. academy acadamy acedemy None 2. Reachable. accesible acessible accessible None 3. An unfortunate incident. accident accidant accedent None 4. To make familiar by use. accustom accustem accastom None 5. To get or attain by effort. achieve acheive achiev None 6. Buy or obtain. ackuire acquaire acquire None 7. Sufficient. adekuate adequete adequate None 8. Near or next to each other. adjacant adjacent adjasent None 9. Put off or postpone. adjourn adjaurn adjourne None 10. Move forwards. advence advance advanse None 11. An opponent in a contest. adversery adversary adversory None 12. A traveller in a hot air balloon. aeronut aeronout aeronaut None 13. To attach to an organization. affiliete affilate affiliate None 14. Wealthy. affluant afluent affluent None 15. To make something less severe. alleviate alleviete alliviate None 16. To destroy absolutely. anihilate annihilate annihilete None 17. Easily understood. apparent apparant apperent None 18. A physical attack. assoult assallt assault None 19. Fearless. audasious audaciaus audacious None 20. The season after summer. autum autumn autamn None 21. To foil or frustrate. bafle baflle baffle None 22. To disparage. belittle bilittle belittel None 23. Noisy, energetic, and cheerful. boisteraus boisterous boysterous None 24. A large rock. baulder boulder bouldar None 25. Illegal entry of a building for theft. burglery berglary burglary None 26. Determine mathematically. calculate calculate None 27. Of the greatest importance. Cardinel Cardenal Cardinal None 28. Eating or living on flesh. Carnivorous Carnivoraus Carnivoreus None 29. A person injured in an accident. Casualty Casuelty Casallty None 30. Nature. Charactor Charecter Character None 31. Record events detailed way. Chronickle Chronikle Chronicle None 32. Surreptitious. Clandestine Clandestene Clendestine None 33. Mercy. Clemensy Clemancy Clemency None 34. Taking place at the same time. Coincedent Coincident Coincidant None 35. Sympathy. Compasion Compassiun Compassion None 36. Agreeable. Complaisent Complaisant Complaicant None 37. Based on mental concepts. Conseptual Conceptuel Conceptual None 38. To gain the favour of. Conciliete Consiliate Conciliate None 39. Producing cones. Coniferaus Coniferous Conifereus None 40. Clearly visible. Conspicous Conspicuous Concpicuous None 41. Likely to spread. Contegious Contagious Contagiaus None 42. Not predictable. Contingant Contengent Contingent None 43. Opposite in nature. Contrary Contrery Controry None 44. Able to be changed in form. Convertible Convertibel Convartible None 45. Capable of being corrected. Corrigible Corigible Corrigibel None 46. Willing to trust too readily. Credulaus Credulous Creduleus None 47. Fearless. Dountless Dauntles Dauntless None 48. Dishonest. Decietful Deceitful Diceitful None 49. The action of deceiving someone. Deception Desception Deseption None 50. Hurtful, morally or physically. Deletarious Deleterieus Deleterious None Time's up