8g TICK THE RIGHT WORDS-2 Welcome to your 8g TICK THE RIGHT WORD-2 Name Enter your school name 1. To grow worse. Deteriorate Deteriorete Detoriorate None 2. The practice of obeying rules. Discepline Dissipline Discipline None 3. Opposite. Discrepant Discrepent Discrepand None 4. Expressing or causing sorrow or pain. Dolorous Dolarous Dolorious None 5. Cheerful and full of energy. Ebullient Ebulliant Ebulient None 6. Strange. Ekcentric Eccentric Eccentrik None 7. A stable subatomic particle. Elektron Electron Electrone None 8. To release from bondage. Emancipate Emansipate Emancipete None 9. Equal. Equivalent Equivalant Equivelent None 10. Polite behaviour; good manners. Etiquete Etequette Etiquette None 11. More than is necessary. Exccesive Excesseve Excessive None 12. Abominable. Execreble Execrible Execrable None 13. To diminish the importance of. Extenuete Extenuate Extennuate None 14. To cease to burn. Extinguish Extingush Extenguish None 15. Rise and fall. Fluctuete Flactuate Fluctuate None 16. Fly unsteadily. Fluttar Fluttor Flutter None 17. Excessively greedy. Gluttonaus Gluttonous Gluttoneus None 18. Liking to be with other people. Gregarious Gregerious Gregariaus None 19. A person who protects. Guardian Guardien Gaurdian None 20. To put to shame. Humiliete Humiliate Humilliate None 21. Exultation. Jubiletion Jubilation Jubilasion None 22. To tear rudely. Lacerete Lacarate Lacerate None 23. Wishing evil to others. Malevolent Melevolent Malevolant None 24. Greedy. Mercenery Mersenary Mercenary None 25. Make something less severe or painful. Mitigate Mitigete Mitegate None 26. Extraordinarily generous. Munifisent Munificent Munifiscent None 27. Not clear and having no form. Nebulaus Nebulous Nebuleus None 28. Wicked or criminal. Nefarious Neferious Nefariaus None 29. Done or active at night. Nocturnel Nocturnal Nocternal None 30. The central an object. Nukleus Nucleus Nuclaus None 31. To swing back and forth. Oscillete Oscillate Ocsillate None 32. The ability to see or hear. Persception Perseption Perception None 33. Tending to kill or hurt. Pernicious Perniciaus Pernisious None 34. Relevant. Pertenent Pertinant Pertinent None 35. Unreasonable. Perverce Pervarse Perverse None 36. A special right, advantage. Privillege Privilege None 37. A paid occupation. Profession Profescion Professien None 38. Very great or intense. Profaund Profound Profeund None 39. Kindly disposed. Propitiaus Propitieus Propitious None 40. The owner of a business. Propreitor Proprietor Proprieter None 41. A puzzling predicament. Quandary Quandery Quandory None 42. Habitually complaining. Querulous Quarulous Querulaus None 43. Quiet. Quiessence Quiescence Quiescense None 44. Being in a state of repose or inaction. Quiesent Quiecent Quiescent None 45. To say or do again and again. Reiterate Rieterate Reiterete None 46. Appropriate. Relevant Relavant Relevent None 47. To give up using or having. Relinqush Relinquish Relenquish None 48. A detailed plan. Stratergy Strategy Stratagy None 49. Extremely impressive. Stupandous Stupendous Stupendaus None 50. A quantity of precious metals. Tresure Treashure Treasure None 51. Being present everywhere. Ubiquitaus Ubiquiteus Ubiquitous None 52. Regard with great respect. Venerate Venerete Venarate None 53. Conformity to facts; accuracy. Verasity Veracity Verecity None 54. Very forceful or energetic. Vigourous Vigorous Vigoruous None 55. Having a cruel and wicked nature. Villaineous Villainous Villaneous None Time's up