8g CHOOSE THE APT WORDS-3 Welcome to your 8g CHOOSE THE APT WORD-3 Name Enter your school name 1. Liking to be with other people. gradual gregarious vulnerable None 2. To put to shame. humiliate hesitate whimper None 3. Arrogant; impolite. imperious illegal contrary None 4. Starting point. illusion identity inception None 5. To reduce to ashes. incinerate capture integrate None 6. Harmless. conceptual innocuous immoral None 7. Frighten. ignore congregate intimidate None 8. Fearless and bold. intrepid impartial imperial None 9. To tear rudely. laminate languish lacerate None 10. Highly profitable. lucrative laborious lenient None 11. Very foolish. luminary ludicrous laborious None 12. Wishing evil to others. malevolent manual marginal None 13. Make something less severe or painful. prosecute saturate mitigate None 14. Extraordinarily generous. munificent massive maximum None 15. Not clear and having no form. narrow nebulous rational None 16. Wicked or criminal. luminous nefarious assiduous None 17. Done or active at night. nebulous eccentric nocturnal None 18. Care for and protect while growing. nurture navigate eliminate None 19. Refusing to change opinion. evocative stationary obdurate None 20. To swing back and forth. oscillate solicit stagger None 21. Extremely poor. pacific penurious palpable None 22. To filter. percolate venerate truncate None 23. To make a hole or holes through. perforate prepare pretend None 24. Tending to kill or hurt; harmful. analogous pernicious arboreal None 25. Very great or intense. astringent altruistic profound None 26. Important; famous. prominent boorish cognizant None 27. Kindly disposed. propitious probable pungent None 28. Habitually complaining. queer quiet querulous None 29. Furiously voracious or hungry. radiant compatible ravenous None 30. To say or do again and again. reiterate confound conciliate None 31. To refuse to have anything to do with. repudiate refute controvert None 32. Standing out prominently. scared salient convoluted None 33. A person habitually lazy or idle. exigency sluggard malinger None 34. Expressing no power of feeling. stolid shallow munificent None 35. A detailed plan. predator predilection strategy None 36. To place or plunge under water. placate submerge stagger None 37. Perceptible by touch. tangible tentative thorough None 38. To put an end or stop to. threaten tremble terminate None 39. Being present everywhere. ultimate ubiquitous perfidious None 40. Regard with great respect. venerate vaccinate ventilate None 41. Conformity to facts. plasticity veracity profusion None 42. Forceful or energetic. vigorous victorious voluntary None 43. Having a cruel and wicked nature. villainous valuable vulnerable None 44. Clear someone of blame Venerate vindicate repudiate None 45. Nearly; almost. virtually valiantly occasionally None Time's up